Friday, December 29, 2006
missed the earthquake in taiwan by a day, but i felt the earthquake too. kinda scary, from taiwan all the way to hong kong??!!
4 of us were all on the 2nd floor n the maid was on 1st floor. i was using the computer when it happened n my siblings were watchign tv. it was quite funny. cuz i started to feel the shake n thot either one of my siblings was shaking his/her legs so much that i could feel it. christina saw the crystal daggling from the light shaking n thot it was cuz hunter was shaking his leg too much that the crystal shaked too. about 2 mins later, we figured that it was an earthquake n when i was thinking if we should hide under the dinnning table downstairs the earthquake stopped. later i went downstairs n asked the maid if she feels anything n she thot i was crazy cuz shse doesnt feel it. the next day, w found out that there was an earthquake in taiwan n all the undersea cables are damaged. so now i cant go on msn, aim, 99% of the foreign websites (facebook n gmail are the only 2 that work, oh n, long distance phone call doest work either. see how paper's better?!
that stupid earthquake destroyed the undersea cables so none of the ppl in hong kong can use msn n xanga for days. n the internet is so slow. it's hard to live w/out internet these days.
going back to CA tonite. sorry janice, we'll definitely meet over the summer vacation.
ermmmmm....... still not done w/ my college apps n they r due in 2 days.
4 of us were all on the 2nd floor n the maid was on 1st floor. i was using the computer when it happened n my siblings were watchign tv. it was quite funny. cuz i started to feel the shake n thot either one of my siblings was shaking his/her legs so much that i could feel it. christina saw the crystal daggling from the light shaking n thot it was cuz hunter was shaking his leg too much that the crystal shaked too. about 2 mins later, we figured that it was an earthquake n when i was thinking if we should hide under the dinnning table downstairs the earthquake stopped. later i went downstairs n asked the maid if she feels anything n she thot i was crazy cuz shse doesnt feel it. the next day, w found out that there was an earthquake in taiwan n all the undersea cables are damaged. so now i cant go on msn, aim, 99% of the foreign websites (facebook n gmail are the only 2 that work, oh n, long distance phone call doest work either. see how paper's better?!
that stupid earthquake destroyed the undersea cables so none of the ppl in hong kong can use msn n xanga for days. n the internet is so slow. it's hard to live w/out internet these days.
going back to CA tonite. sorry janice, we'll definitely meet over the summer vacation.
ermmmmm....... still not done w/ my college apps n they r due in 2 days.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Leaving Taiwan in 30mins. This week in Taiwan had been ultra bz but it was reli fun.
still not done with college apps n haven't done any homework yet
lots to do when i go back to hong kong
just went to the dentist n did a x-ray
the dentist said all my wisdom teeth have grown
n i dont have to get them pulled out XD
man u should see christina three days ago,
she looked like a pig
n i heard her sugery was scary.
so lucky that i dont have to go thru that!
still not done with college apps n haven't done any homework yet
lots to do when i go back to hong kong
just went to the dentist n did a x-ray
the dentist said all my wisdom teeth have grown
n i dont have to get them pulled out XD
man u should see christina three days ago,
she looked like a pig
n i heard her sugery was scary.
so lucky that i dont have to go thru that!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Monday, December 4, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
filled out the wrong information for the CSU app.! i took toefl in November n i put October!! Help!! wat should i do????
the house is remodeling.
all the kitchen stuffs r moved to the formal dinning room.
rite now we'r adding a shower to the bathroom outside.
later will be the kitchen
next week aunt ruth wont be able to cook in the kitchen
she says she's gonna cook in the backyard n we can have BBQ everyday for 2 weeks.
n since we'r rmodeling, might as well replace some 20 years old stuffs.
new stove- the one w/ gas = more delicious food!
new oven- the oven has been weird lately, it wont "shut up" after we baked something
new fridge- this one's gonna be cool
new washing machine/dryer- two in one!
so after i come back from hong kong in jan.
quater of the house will be brand new
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
got 109/120 on Toefl (test of english foreign language)!
pretty impressed by it
but should've gotten a better score
since i've been studying in english schools for
almost 4 years now.
yea, whatever!
109 is still very good.hehehe
托福考 109分!
不過想想, 已在英文學校念4年了.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
L o v e S B B C .
Yesterday night's dinner as delicious & the worship was cool!!
Lina came too, it's her first time to go to church, hope she found it interesting.
If I didn't meet SBBC in America, life here would be so boring.
Props to you if you read chinese, cuz I dun wanna say it in english.
- It's kinda embarrassing to applaud people in ehglish.
那些college students 全都回來了!
昨天就是他們lead worship的,
Franklin 打鼓的樣子還是讓人無法抗拒,
cool 爆了!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
- No school for four days. YES! still have lots to do tho.
college apps due on the 30th and my personal statement's still only half done.
dunno how to bs the other half.
今天我拿了那一半的personal statement給Aguilera看.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Kinda hard to believe that I'm an adult now. still feel totally the same as a 17 year old. Think I have to get use to telling ppl that I'm 18, totally remember how I was still telling ppl that i was 16 two months after by 17th b-day. so during 2nd period i figured out that christina didn't go to tutor sam, they went to get me ballons n gifts n christina knew E/S/S were gonna call me cuz eric IM christina. but it still felt good 
Saturday: Black Angus for lunch
Nina made me a b-day cake and chuch celebrated w/ me
Mom called at 10:30pm & wished me hapi b-day. Michelle(youngest sis) got me a b-day present yesterday n wouldn't let my brother see what she bought so they got into a fight usual.
Dad called later to wish me hapi b-day.
12:07am sebastian, eric & steven (the berkeley three) called & sang the b-day song. they r the first ones to wish me hapi b-day. i almost cried. it was sooo sweet. thank you guys, you are the best!!
n the facebook thing was very cute
Sam i love the card u made

n to all who haven't yet, be ready to die! (jkjk
Saturday: Black Angus for lunch
Nina made me a b-day cake and chuch celebrated w/ me
Mom called at 10:30pm & wished me hapi b-day. Michelle(youngest sis) got me a b-day present yesterday n wouldn't let my brother see what she bought so they got into a fight
Dad called later to wish me hapi b-day.
12:07am sebastian, eric & steven (the berkeley three) called & sang the b-day song. they r the first ones to wish me hapi b-day. i almost cried. it was sooo sweet. thank you guys, you are the best!!
Sam i love the card u made
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Love this website:
take a look if u know how to read chinese
some jokes from the website
- 政治人物笑話1、李登輝、連戰、陳水扁同坐直升機巡視。李登輝說:「如果我丟一千塊下去,撿到的那個人一定很高興。「連戰說:「如果我丟兩張五百元下去,那就有兩個人 很高興了。陳水扁說:「如果我丟十張一百元下去,就有十個人很高興了。」這時駕駛員喃喃自語:「何不把自己丟下去,讓兩千三百萬人都高興呢?」
2、 總統阿扁希望提高自己的聲望,想要發行一款有自己肖像的郵票。發行了一個多月後,阿扁想要看看銷路如何.....阿扁:「銷售情形怎麼樣?」郵政總局局 長:「還算不錯,只不過常常有人抱怨黏不牢!」阿扁:「怎麼會呢?」阿扁隨手拿了一張郵票,塗了一點口水在郵票背面,便試貼在信封上。阿扁:「這樣不是黏 得很緊嗎?」郵政總局局長:「可是......大家....都把口水吐在正面啊......」
4、 某天,總統、五院院長等大官一起參加一個會議,結果發生連環車禍,送至醫院急救,記者們聞風趕至醫院....稍久,醫生出來了,記者忙著問:「醫生!醫 生!總統有救嗎?」醫生沮喪的搖搖頭說:「唉,總統沒救了...」記者又問:「醫生!醫生!行政院長有救嗎?」醫生又沮喪的搖搖頭說:「唉,也沒救 了...」記者就問:「那...到底誰有救?」醫生精神一振說:「台灣有救了!」
6、 一輛競選車載著陳水扁競選團隊開到鄉村去造勢,不幸在山間小路上翻車,正在農田里幹活的老農民看見這情景,就趕到出事地點,可是車上的人都死光了,於是他 挖了一個土坑,把幾個政客都埋了。過了幾天,負責事故勘察的警察找到那個老農民,問他那幾個政客到哪裡去了,老農民說己經埋了,警察趕緊追問:「他們都死 了嗎?」老農回答說:「嗯~我看到陳水扁在我埋他的時候大叫說他還沒死。」警察說:「那你怎麼也把他埋了?「老農說:「你知道的嘛,這個陳水扁從不說實 話!」
Friday, November 17, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Veronica 的 思想體檢報告
魅力(Charisma): 4
待人氣度與手腕 理性(Senses): 5
歸納與推論的邏輯概念 感性(Sensibility): 6
情感與美感的靈敏度 深度(Sophistication): 7
思考的深度與透徹度 社交(Socialization): 5
對於社交活動的接受度 熱情(Passion): 7
自動自發的執行力 知識(Intellectual): 5
學習與知識的駕馭潛能 樂觀(Optimism): 6
積極與進取的思維 悲觀(Pessimism): 4
消極與保守的思維 責任(Responsibility): 7
領導能量: 52 你領導才能普普,屬大將型人才。 社交能量: 55 你喜歡社交活動,但對其也不是非常重視。 思考能量: 63 喜歡動腦,只是思維深度還有進步的空間。 鬥志能量: 64 不嘗試怎麼知道自己不行,對不對? 藝術能量: 58 你的藝術才能並不差,應繼續進修培養。 科學能量: 55 注意自己,不要被意識形態牽著鼻子走。 創意能量: 61 想要有創意,先從建立自己的觀點開始。 靈感能量: 57 靈感來自於敏銳的觀察力,多觀察社會現象。 戀愛能量: 63 雖不是大情聖,但是也是有自己的一番浪漫情懷。
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