Finally got the speakers for my computer from fry's. hp 2-piece virtual surrounded sound usb sepakers ($30). tho i don't reli like hp, these speakers are just too cute, they are tiny!
edit: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I totally regret on buying them!!!! i just saw another one at's) and they are only $3 and they look even better!!! aren't they cute?!
should i return the ones i got at fry's today and buy these online?????
The more I read this Book the more I love it. Sometimes when I feel that He is far away, reading the Bible reminds me of God and He always speaks to me through his words. These few days I've been praying a lot and God has been answering my prayers through His words. The Bible is just way too fantastic. I realized that the more I read the Bible, the closer we are and the more I praise Him the "realer" He is to me. So from now on, I'll start prasing Him everyday.
"I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!" Deuteronomy 32:3
Friday, April 28, 2006
So I was MSN'ing my friend who's studying in England.... here's wat we talked bout : Roedean, a highly respectable sku w/ a whole bunch of rich ppl (think some princesses went there too), the sku i was gonna go to if i didn't come here, is having financial prob. n is planning to merge w/ a sku that is 700 on the league table(kinda like API scores, 700 is reli bad) which will lower Roedean's ranking in the G.B.(the worst thing that can happen to a gd skl) also,cuz of their financial prob their tuition rose from GB$8,000 (US$16,000) to GB$9,000 (US$18,000) which my parents will have a hard time paying. So God knows everything n maybe coming here is a reli good decision cuz i get to know u guys n know god soo much better!
[][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: ooo u no the sku u want to go before? [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: call...roeean, rite? Veronica Y.T. Wang says: ya [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: they r now having a financial prob [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: gd u didn't go [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: coz it is now mearging with another sku Veronica Y.T. Wang says: wow, glad taht i didn't go, which sku is roedean merging with [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: a sku which is 700 in the league table [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: dun no which one though, scary Veronica Y.T. Wang says: 700! wat the heck!! how bad can it get? Veronica Y.T. Wang says: n y do rodean have financial probl anyway? Veronica Y.T. Wang says: their tuition fee is reli expensice, like 8000/quarter [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: no actually is nearly 9000 [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: i think they build sumthing [][@][][@][] JULIE [][@][][@][] says: n they always spend $$ on the facilities la
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
star testing was boring! but it's great that we get free lunch & free ice cream!
stupid mr. sutterland! if the teachers have no problems doing it, i don't see how it is not respectful to the teachers!! i was reli excited bout the dunk tank n ready to kick some buttsssss
Happy B-day Theresa!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
How is this possible? I lost 2Ibs over the break! Wasn't the break only 10 day?? Where happened to my 93? What happened to the 3Ibs I gained in almost 2 years (Thanks to my kind of useful weight gaining plan which I think it's stupid now)? Ain't I suppose to gain weight? I ate a lot of good food in Hong Kong! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Need to start making a weight gaining program that really works, otherwise no health insurance company will take me. (Did I tell you guys that Blue Cross called me and said they didn't want to take me cuz I am supposed to weight 110Ibs and they thought I am anorexic, so I wrote down that I'm 105Ibs and 5ft tall?)
Now what should I do? Jennifer (future nutritionist) Help!!!
Monday, April 24, 2006
i hate studying. i hate homework. hate english! hate shakespear! how can i write a sonnet in english when i can't even make one up in chinese?!?! i want eric/ steven/ sebestian/ daivd y/ esther y/ .....'s brain
love! now i can sign in to aim/msn/yahoo/googletalk all in one window!
the computer reli stops me from studying. maybe should remove it from my room.
6 more weeks of HS!!!
Friday, April 21, 2006
YAY! my new computer's here. light+small. hehe
the monitor is not opened yet but it's 15'(philips)
still missing speakers, keyboard & mouse tho,
might get them when i'm tmr or when i'm back in sj.
the canon printer i wanna get (canon iP1200) doesn't have the correct plug cos the plug is for hongkong, so i'm getting canon iP1600 from (it's only $35).
to franklin: (christina and i think u look like...) (minna no tabo is soooooo cute)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
hong kong is freaking hot+humid rite now!
4¤ë 21¤é FRIDAY 82F(feels like 86) humidity:75%
can't go worst. my sweat can fill up a pool. COOL!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
my skin is so much better in hongkong
at least it's smooth n i don get pimples.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
YAY!!!! my parents r buying me a computer n
printer to bring to san jose !!! so i asked the IT person
works in my dad's company, he said that the canon printer is a
reli good cost, so i'am getting it TODAY!
some pix to make u guys hungry
how dare u guys planned so many things and had so much fun when i'm away!
how could i miss the guys wearing suits!!!! (They look sooooooo HOT !!!)
(obsessed w/ guys who wear suits, they just look HOT!)
SaiKong Seafood
(my great family: front row: hunter-my borther,dad's brother-just visiting hongkong, dad, michelle- my sister
back: christina, veronica, mom)
Saturday, April 15, 2006
parents are always the best. so i told them that i want to buy a printer and they said sure without even asking why. then i told them that i saw canon pixma iP1200 bubble jet printer for HK$280(US$35.89 n remember there's no sales tax in hongkong) and my mom said if you want to buy one might as well buy a good one. think i'm getting that one tho since canon printer\s always great all the high tech ppl plz help me see if this is a good one. PIXMA iP1200 Bubble Jet Printer
Thursday, April 13, 2006
after 13hours of torture, i finally arrived Taipei.
n 2 hours later, will be on another plane to hongkong.
so career day wasn't as bad as i thought. at least i get to
talk to some senior executives of some big companies
n of course the best was shopping after skl.
me and chris each got a "hoodie" from Old Navy
n got sam her early bday present.
it looks great on her! maybe i should force her to wear it
to church one day.
feel sooo much better after saying sorry.
will talk to u guys later (aim) now i need to get some good food cos the food on the plane was seriously disgusting!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
leaving in 4 hours.
of course, i am getting very excited
but not as much as the last few times tho.
kinda miss SBBCians and all the fun things
u guys r doing over the break.
Saturday, April 8, 2006
I Love The UpperClassmen!!!
(i just realized how much i love u guys)
it was reli different yesterday, no one was there.
the only ppl in our group that went were me and daniel,
n christian and jackie were the only betterclassmen.
n dan was like "this is how it's gonna look like next year"
anyway, we joined the college group.
the college group discussion is soo different from ours,
i wasn't used to that. cannot imagine how it's gonna be w/out the seniors next year.
btw, christina got reli mad at me cos i always use her screen name,
altho i don't see the point of getting myself a sn cos we share one computer
n the ppl i talk to r the same ppl that she talks to.
but i finally went to and get a screen name.
here it is: misssnutsss add me to ur list
i told christina that she should change her screen name to Christina n Veronica and she got mad. so she suggested and guess what? it doesn't work. so till that meebo thing works again i am still going to confuse everyone by chatting thru her screen name. hehe
the #1 tip of taking the SAT:
Don't take it if u r sick!
i was coughing so badly in the testing room that
everyone was looking at me.
the test is so hard! even though there is no filinf in SAT,
i think i failed it. think i got 600/2400.
So many things I don't understand.
So many things I want.
So many.
Where are you?
Please help me!
Please take away my the weights on my shoulders.
Please carry me like you carry the person in Footprint.
Psalm 4
1 Answer me when I call to you,
O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
be merciful to me and hear my prayer. 2 How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame?
How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?
Selah 3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;
the LORD will hear when I call to him. 4 In your anger do not sin;
when you are on your beds,
search your hearts and be silent.
Selah 5 Offer right sacrifices
and trust in the LORD. 6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?"
Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD. 7 You have filled my heart with greater joy
than when their grain and new wine abound. 8 I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, O LORD,
make me dwell in safety.