I know I should practice typing in chinese, but it's just too much work. Not until I am familiar with pinyin can I type faster in chinese.
So... here's what's going on in my life these days: finals started today and obviously I was "youtubing" instead of studying and totally bombed my Physics and Math finals today. But... whatever, they're already history now. I have Econ and English tomorrow. Absolutely don't feel like studying. I somehow feel that senior year is more stressful than junior year. Maybe my expectation for senir year is too high.
The kitchen/bathroom remodeling is almost done, maybe two more weeks. We'll be cooking with th brand new Kitchen Aid cook top today. So that's kind of exciting.
Spritual growth: After Pastor Albert's great sermon on Sunday ( I seriously think it's the BEST sermon I heard from him), I've decided to read the bible everyday and ask God to give me strength to have determination, so I won't quit after like two days. I think God, through Annie, lighted the the fire in me after a spritual low for more than a year. More like, seeing Annie's passion/eagerness to know God and to do great work for him makes me feel guilty about not beinga good daughter of God. The faith she has in God motivated me. I never thought that there'll be a revival in Leland but the trust she has in God truely shows me that God listens and as long as I keep praying about ___, God'll prepare it for me in his time.
Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."