
Saturday, November 24, 2007

sbbc thanksgiving dinner

Good food & amazing testimonies
it was great to see BRC last night
so sad that I had to leave at 10pm
wish i could talk to BRC a little more :(
cuz i prob. wont get to see until the next thzgiving
cant believe i forgot to take pix yesterday!!
leaving SJ tmr morning
will def. miss sbbc- my home in america :)
dont like saying goodbye
sbbc'ians COME VISIT ME IN IL!!

weird enought tho im ready for sku
cant wait to go back to allen hall!!
miss allen hall, miss iv large gp
miss my roommate!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

black friday

so i thot i wont be one of those crazy shoppers who
stand in line for hours n rush into the store at midnite
but my host family sister n some of my friends took
me to gilroy outlet n we stood outside banana republic
at 11pm n waited for an hour to get in
my host family sister got a nice coat for under $100
then we went to j. crew n i got a earmuff for $20 ^O^
after that we went to converse n i bought 2 pairs of
converse for a total of $56 :P
now i have 4 pairs of converse, hope my parents
wont find out bout them
i think my feet shrunk .......
size 6 used to fit me perfectly but i can stick a finger in
the converse i bought yesterday :(

thzgiving dinner at sbbc tonite!!!
cant wait to meet BRC!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

happy 19th bday

Praise the Lord for............
His unfailing love
His amazing grace
His great mercy
Giving me what I do not deserve

With 2 family members passed away in the past month
and thousands of people dead in Bangladesh
I realized how fragile life is
and that I don't have any control over my life.
The terrifying truth is that if God wants me dead, I will die.
Everyday is a gift from God.
I am not afraid of death because I know exactly where I will go
after I am dead but I don't want to go yet, I want to experience
more and discover more!

ok.... sounded like im gonna die tmr :P
well, just some thoughts on my birthday

Monday, November 19, 2007

i knew it!

told my mum that i want to go to africa this summer

n she said no rite away

reason: u r tanned enough already, going to africa will make u even tanner

n it's dangerous n blah, blah, blah...

then she came up w/ the idea that i should work in japan over the summer

so i can improve my japanese

makes me want to quite learning japanese

hate being told wat i should/shouldnt do!

im just one weird kid who likes to do the exact opposite

of wat my parents told me to

n i guess my parents still didnt get that after 19 years

in such a bad mood now

that i cant even get excited for my birthday tmr

so unbelievable that im gonna be 19 in 5 hours

i wish i can be 16 years old again

Sunday, November 18, 2007

San Jose

I'm finally back in San Jose. It feels like I'm back at home again  ate a lot of good Chinese food and talked with my sister for hours
went to church this morning
seeing the sbbc'ians felt like seeing my family
i rushed in to sbbc n gave pastor albert n sam a big fat hug
got to talk w/ elvis n nina after church
gosh! it feels good to be "home"

cant wait to c all the other college students on friday
BRC reunion ?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Saying goodbye to the ppl in my dorm
It's like saying bye to my family
after living together for 3 months
eating all the meals together
studying, having fun together everyday
they became my family
though we'r going to c ea. other in a week
it still feels sad to say good bye

I Allen Hall

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

i think im going to double majoring in advertising n psychology

went to american advertising federation's social today
by far the best social!!
met some great people
feel so much more connected to aaf now

i think this is it ~ adv & psyc!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


God is speaking to me!

The Traveling Team came to speak in I.V. large group on Friday, the speakers are GREAT!! I totally regretted that I didn't take notes because I forgot most of the things the speaker talked about, so I went to Cru. large group today. I actually didn't find out that the Traveling Team was speaking at Cru. large group until this afternoon, I was so happy when I found out.

I went there after small group with my pen and paper :P. Cru. is really different, I guess it's because I'm used to the way iv works now. Some of the verses the Traveling Team included in their presentation were the exact same verses that my small group was studying! And I just felt that God is speaking to me. What's even crazier is that I saw the exact same verse again in Acts in my quiet time! "'Leave your country and your people,' God said, 'and go to the land I will show you.'"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

I feel like God is calling me to go somewhere for my summer vacation but there are so many options out there that I don't know which one to do. There are also other things like summer school and internships that I want to do.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Shut the Bucks up By Mike Theodore

Posted: 11/12/07 Section: Sports

Credit: Brad Vest
Illinois' Kevin Mitchell, right, plays to the crowd as Illinois' Will Davis comes down out of the stands, left, while celebrating with Illinois fans after taking down No. 1-ranked Ohio State, 28-21.
Media Credit: Brad Vest
Illinois' Kevin Mitchell, right, plays to the crowd as Illinois' Will Davis comes down out of the stands, left, while celebrating with Illinois fans after taking down No. 1-ranked Ohio State, 28-21.

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Illinois grabbed the national spotlight Saturday night and put an exclamation point on its turnaround season with a 28-21 victory on the road against the top-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes. "We didn't come up here to try and play them close," head coach Ron Zook said. "We didn't come up here to have it be like last year. We came up here to have an opportunity to win." It was the school's first victory against a top-ranked team since 1956 and its first ever win against a No. 1 on the road.
"I know 'shock the world' is pretty overused but it was shocking," senior middle linebacker J Leman said.
"Everybody talks about the two big boys in the Big Ten and when you beat the number one team in the country in their place it demands respect."
Freshman cornerback Marcus Thomas - playing in place of the injured Vontae Davis - intercepted Todd Boeckman at the Illinois 24-yard line to give the Illini possession halfway through the fourth quarter with a seven-point lead.
Enter Juice Williams.
The quarterback took control of the game and led Illinois on a 16-play drive that chewed up the final 8:09 of the game to seal the Illini's eighth victory on the season.
Three plays into the drive Illinois faced a game-changing decision.
The Buckeye defense forced the Illini into a fourth-and-short on the Illinois 33-yard line with 6:53 remaining in the game. Buckeye head coach Jim Tressel called timeout and forced Zook to make a decision.
It was the sophomore Williams who insisted the Illini go for it on fourth down.
"I said, 'Coach, you don't think we can get a half of an inch?' And he said, 'If you don't get it, I'm going to hurt you,'" Williams said.
Williams' moxie paid off. He rushed up the middle for two yards, giving Illinois a first down.
"Juice is a winner," Zook said. "He's a competitor and that's why he's been our starting quarterback."
Three plays later it was Williams again rushing for a first down to help seal the victory. The sophomore ran for four first downs on the last drive to keep the clock moving and end Ohio State's run at a perfect season.
The Illini offense held possession for an impressive 13:46 in the final quarter thanks to the steady rushing attack. Illinois finished the day with 260 yards on the ground against Butkus Award finalist James Laurinaitis' defense that came into the game allowing an average of 43.2 rushing yards per game in the Big Ten.
"When you have the added challenge of the quarterback being part of the run game, that certainly adds another challenge and they did a good job of executing," Tressel said.
Williams used playaction passes to score on three of his four touchdown passes to four different receivers. His four passing scores was just one short of what Ohio State had allowed on the entire season.
The Illini played the second half without Arrelious Benn, who left the game with a concussion. In his place fellow freshmen Marques Wilkens and Brian Gamble stepped in and each found the end zone.
Trailing by a touchdown at halftime, Ohio State moved the ball well on its first possession on the second half and had a first-and-goal situation from the 9-yard line. On third down Thomas deflected Boeckman's pass in the end zone and Illinois senior linebacker Antonio Steele made a diving interception.
Williams then drove the Illini 80 yards in nine plays on the ensuing possession and found a wide open Wilkins over the middle for a touchdown to extend the Illinois advantage to 28-14.
Ohio State came out of the gates strong. On its first play from scrimmage Boeckman found a streaking Brian Hartline down the sideline for a 65-yard gain. The Buckeyes scored a touchdown on the next play.
"We were able to withstand the onslaught," Leman said.
The Illini offense answered the Buckeye score with a touchdown of its own.
"There was no panic in their eyes," Zook said.
After the game Zook said his team can still improve.
"I don't know if we're there yet," he said. "We're a pretty good team but, we got to get some more ballers and we will (get there)."
In his first two years at Illinois Zook compiled a 4-19 record but eight victories with one more game to be played this season all but guarantees a New Year's Day bowl berth.
"We want to take this program to places it's never been," Leman said.
Re-ranked Following Saturday's win over the No. 1-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes, Illinois found its way back in the polls. The Associated Press has Illinois ranked at No. 20. Illinois had last been in the polls in week six of the season after beating Penn State and Wisconsin, climbing to No. 18. The Illini then fell out of the polls after losing to Iowa the next week. During its hiatus from the polls, Illinois received votes every week except week eight.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

never again

that was quite an experience
one was definitely enough
dancing was fun, just not the other part
it was too painful
head felt like it's gonna explode n
almost puked my intestines out

glad that i hv friends who care so much about me
esp. annie n amber
wat would i do w/out them?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

one more week till thzgiving

one more week till san jose

one more month till finals

then home