saw a few really cool costumes this year
wonder why there were so many green man on green street
girl costumes are so uncreative
boobs falling out
butt showing
plz cover up
the sexiest costumes are usually the ones
that leave room for imagination
getting old
can't go out 2 days in a row
my body soars
it sucks
junior year
body sleeps when it hits midnight
it sucks
im listening to christmas music already
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
他是被神觸摸的 吳建豪
一 個22歲的大男生,憑著偶像劇流星花園紅遍東亞各地,坦承自己曾經迷失在金錢、感情與名氣的虛幻世界,信主後神大大翻轉了他的生 命,在今年五月訪印特會中穿著「God is better than sex」T恤,大聲宣告直到結婚不再有性生活。他參與表演及做見證的佈道會,三天吸引了六萬多名觀眾,其中上千人當場受洗信主。
文/Asia for JESUS特派記者 孫瑋皓
文/Asia for JESUS特派記者 孫瑋皓
「這 是我最遠離神的一段時間,包括女生的誘惑、嫉妒其他的明星 等等,人際關係、家庭關係都變得非常的差。」吳建豪侃侃而談自己的過去,坦白的程度感覺好像在講別人的八卦。七年來,支撐他的是猶如嗎啡般的明星光環,每 當下了舞台,剩下的只有空虛。而每當嫉妒心作祟,看到哪個明星比他更紅,有進軍好萊塢的機會時,他的情緒更顯得相當失控。直到2007年,透過同為當紅男 子團體麻吉的團員愛德華引見之下,認識了美國華裔牧師馬正遠(Jaeson Ma)後,一切都改變了。
純潔宣言 大喊God is better than sex
那 是個平凡的日子,吳建豪與牧師相約在一家韓國燒肉店,當時他 正在打電話,還要牧師先等一下再跟他說話。而牧師雖然是華裔,但從小受到美國文化的影響之下,根本不會看亞洲的任何娛樂節目,也對這位鼎鼎大名的F4大明 星一無所知,只認為他很酷。受到吳建豪冷漠以對的Jaeson Ma,獨自吃了一口韓國烤肉後,跟吳建豪說了一句:「你的舞蹈魅力將為主影響整個亞洲」,這時吳建豪當場跪地痛哭,因為七年來的茫然生活,被牧師的一句話 打醒了。
從此之後,Jaeson Ma成為吳建豪的心靈導師,而 Jaseson Ma從20歲開始禁慾已七年的過程,也深深影響吳建豪的價值觀。「當時我真的覺得不可思議,20歲的男生怎麼可能…起碼那時候我超色的」吳建豪半開玩笑說。
果 然,吳建豪在2008年3月高調的在媒體上發表了禁慾一年的 「純潔宣言」,造成娛樂圈不小的旋風。吳建豪說,許多藝人友人都認為他走火入魔了,信基督教需要這樣子嗎?但吳建豪深信,他走對了路,是不可能回頭的。雖 然直到現在,純潔宣言只影響到他的弟弟,其他同年齡男性友人毫無所動,但他願持續宣揚這樣的概念,並且為自己未來的妻子、家庭立約,婚前不會再有任何的性 行為。
信 主之後,吳建豪收心了,不再是沈迷夜店、愛玩的大男孩,朋友 甚至開始覺得他變得有點說教。吳建豪不諱言,在禁慾的過程中,他發現了上帝當初設定性愛的初衷與美意,他認為如果男女之間沒有婚姻關係,那性愛將是一種靈 魂的牽絆。「這一年來,有更多女生跑來找我,誘惑更大,但神開始調整我看女生的眼光,從注意外在到深入內心,讓我深深發現,其實每個姊妹都是美麗的。」
吳 建豪回想,禁慾的這一年遇到很多爭戰,誘惑也更多,更深! 「有一個女生跟我表白,當時我喝了一些酒,這位女生衝到我的房間,我就窩在木板上睡了一晚,感謝上帝的保守。」那是2008年的11月,從那天起,吳建豪 又加了一項—戒酒宣言,因為他認為自己的罪還有很多,如果再加上酒精的催化,他的軟弱將很難抵擋一切的試探。
「當 時趕拍電影,兩天只睡三個小時,之後就馬上飛到香港參加金 像獎頒獎典禮。當時我真的已經頭暈到不知道自己在表演什麼,但是倚靠神的大能,我還是撐過來了。」吳建豪堅信,這世界上沒有任何東西比神更重要,所以他堅 毅的度過了這兩天,沒有破功,他說這廿一天讓他的心志更加堅定,即使演藝圈許多朋友認為他越來越奇怪,但他的意念,因為禁食禱告,不但更加堅強,神還開始 大大的使用他。
4/18, 最煎熬的第一天,他身體出現警訊,開始拉肚子。但根 本沒進貨,能拉出什麼呢?反而更痛苦。他傳簡訊給印尼的腓力牧師,一同在電話禱告中,吳建豪發現,整個片場都充斥著拜拜的文化,他發覺原來中國人要求心 安,由於他們不認識神,才會用這些方式。因此他鼓起勇氣,開始跟片場的朋友聊到基督徒的話題,甚至在第二天,也就是他身體最虛弱的時刻,開始為身旁對於福 音有興趣的朋友開始禱告。「神在訓練我的膽量,我開始在片場為別人禱告了。」吳建豪回憶,這一切都不是他所做的,而是神做的。
紅 遍半邊天的吳建豪,就算已經是天王巨星,也不滿足,嫉妒心讓 他過得極度痛苦,七年多來,生活在空虛與假象的世界裡。2007年被神觸摸之後,他發現原來神沒有給他當初嫉妒別人的那些機會,是因為神在預備他的心,吳 建豪說:「如果當初沒有信主,現在的吳建豪會是一個很機車的人。」他感恩的說,這一切都是神給他的禮物,原來生活也能這麼簡單!
採 訪後記:近距離採訪吳建豪,發現他比想像中的清瘦,剛結束了21天的禁食禱告,顯得精 神奕奕。面對世界的眼光,信心的操練讓一個僅僅信主第二年的偶像,更堅定的面對自己的信仰。就如Jaeson Ma牧師所說的,跳舞的恩賜與舞台的獨特魅力,神將大大的使用他,在亞洲作鹽作光。
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
台灣我愛你 Taiwan I Love You
在這個地球上 有一個小小島
她的名字叫做 台灣
每次我想到她 我就有安全感
台灣 我愛妳
不分族群 我們手牽著手一起前進
我的心 直到永遠 都屬於妳
她的名字叫做 台灣
每次我想到她 我就有安全感
台灣 我愛妳
不分族群 我們手牽著手一起前進
我的心 直到永遠 都屬於妳
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
祂 傾聽
神 從來都沒有離棄過台灣祂一直在等等我們跑向祂
我要看見祝福 臨到我的國家
願你榮耀完全彰顯 充滿這地
我們必能看見 你成就大事
唯有你聖名喔主 將被高舉
為你發光 來彰顯你榮耀
我要看見祝福 臨到我的國家
願你榮耀完全彰顯 充滿這地
我們必能看見 你成就大事
唯有你聖名喔主 將被高舉
為你發光 來彰顯你榮耀
Monday, October 26, 2009
Give up your life
By Max Lucado
“He gave up his place with God and made himself nothing.” Philippians 2:7
God grants us an uncommon life to the degree we surrender our common one. “If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life” (Matt. 16:25 NLT).
Jesus did. He “made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men…He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death” (Phil. 2:7-8).
No one in Nazareth saluted him as the Son of God. He did not stand out in his elementary-classroom photograph, demanded no glossy page in his high school annual. Friends knew him as a woodworker, not a star hanger. His looks turned no heads; his position earned him no credit. “He gave up his place with God and made himself nothing.”
God hunts for those who will do likewise—people through whom he can deliver Christ into the world.
1 of 365 devotionals in Grace for the Moment, Volume IIJesus did. He “made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men…He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death” (Phil. 2:7-8).
No one in Nazareth saluted him as the Son of God. He did not stand out in his elementary-classroom photograph, demanded no glossy page in his high school annual. Friends knew him as a woodworker, not a star hanger. His looks turned no heads; his position earned him no credit. “He gave up his place with God and made himself nothing.”
God hunts for those who will do likewise—people through whom he can deliver Christ into the world.
Originally printed in He Chose the Nails
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's okay to turn around
and tell God that you need Him
It's possible
If you want it
It's possible
詞、曲:趙治德 主唱:林道遠
關上門 關了燈 兩個人 這一秒你看我的眼神
理智在狂奔 在無聲討論 當感覺已冰冷 心還能否忠誠
不想就這麼放下 給我重來的力量 不管傷多深 只要我們還願意就可能
帶來重來的渴望 坦然過去的悲傷
每個懂愛的人一定也懂得等 等那值得的人 (直到最愛的人)
and tell God that you need Him
It's possible
If you want it
It's possible
詞、曲:趙治德 主唱:林道遠
關上門 關了燈 兩個人 這一秒你看我的眼神
理智在狂奔 在無聲討論 當感覺已冰冷 心還能否忠誠
不想就這麼放下 給我重來的力量 不管傷多深 只要我們還願意就可能
帶來重來的渴望 坦然過去的悲傷
每個懂愛的人一定也懂得等 等那值得的人 (直到最愛的人)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Jaeson Ma
Verse 1
Now Hollywood wants to make you think they know what love is. But I'm a tell you what true love is. Love is not what you see in the movies. Its not the ecstasy, its not what you see in that scene, you know what I mean? I'm telling you right now, true love is sacrifice. Love is thinking about others before you think about yourself, love is selfless not selfish. Love is God and God is love. Love is when you lay down your life for another, whether for your brother, your mother, your father or your sister, its even laying down your life for your enemies, that's unthinkable, but think about that. Love is true. Think.
I'll put you in front of me
So everybody can see
My love, this is my love
I know that I'll be alright
As long as you are my guide
My love, this is my love
Verse 2
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, it always perseveres.
Love never fails. Love is everlasting, its eternal, it goes on and on, it goes beyond time, love is the only thing that will last when you die, but ask the question why? Do you have love?
Verse 3
There is no greater love than this than he who lays down his life for his friends. Now are you willing to lay down your life for your friends? You're probably willing to lay down your life for your mother, your father, or your best friends, but are you willing to lay down your life for even those that hate you? I'm going to tell you who did that, the definition of love is Jesus Christ. He is love. The nails in his hands, the thorns in his brow, hanging on a cross for your sin my sins, that is LOVE he died for you and me while we still hated him, that is love. God is true love, and if you don't know this love, now is the time to know, perfect love.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm ready to run back to God. In fact, I'm running back to God at 500mph right now! I was so far away from God for the past two months. I skipped church, small groups, large groups... I didn't want to do anything Christian related.
Until Samantha called me and asked me if I was going to small group today. If she didn't call me, I wouldn't have gone. God put the right people in my life and tell them to talk to me at the right time :) Thank you to all those who helped me out.
At small group, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill me up and God answered my prayer. I was filled with the Holy Spirit by the end of small group.
I miss God a lot.
I WANT God in my life! I don't ever want to be away from Him anymore (I know I will in the future, but I'm going to try really hard to not let it happen). Why did I run away from someone who loves me unconditionally? I don't know, but I know I don't want to do that again.
Until Samantha called me and asked me if I was going to small group today. If she didn't call me, I wouldn't have gone. God put the right people in my life and tell them to talk to me at the right time :) Thank you to all those who helped me out.
At small group, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill me up and God answered my prayer. I was filled with the Holy Spirit by the end of small group.
I miss God a lot.
I WANT God in my life! I don't ever want to be away from Him anymore (I know I will in the future, but I'm going to try really hard to not let it happen). Why did I run away from someone who loves me unconditionally? I don't know, but I know I don't want to do that again.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tokyo- Housing Preference Form
Question 1 | (Required) |
I request the following IES Abroad provided housing.
Question 2 | (Required) |
Please indicate your gender.
Question 3 | (Required) |
Do you smoke?
| |||||
Do you mind living in accommodations with people who smoke? (Note that in many countries, smoking is much more common than in the U.S. Students with a specific condition such as allergies will be given priority for non-smoking accommodations.) | |||||
Question 6 | (Required) |
Do you require a housing placement that must accommodate your religious beliefs?
Question 7 | (Required) |
Do you have allergies that would affect your housing placement? Allergies can be, but are not limited to, pets, molds, certain foods, etc.
Question 8 | (Required) |
| |||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Question 13 | (Required) |
If placed in a homestay, would you prefer accommodations with:
Question 14 | (Required) |
What are your academic interests?
Question 15 | (Required) |
What are your extracurricular interests?
Question 16 | (Required) |
What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
Question 17 | (Required) |
If placed in a homestay, how would you like to be considered by your host?
Question 18 | (Required) |
If applicable, is there a particular roommate you would like to request? Please note that not all housing placements allow for roommate selection. THIS IS ONLY A REQUEST, NOT A GUARANTEE.
Question 19 | (Required) |
Question 20 | (Required) |
If placed in a Residence Hall:
The Kuis dormitory (female only) has no meal-plan, but is equipped with amenities such as a private kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, etc. and has a relatively short commute.
Please rank your preference from 1-3, with 1 being your strongest preference. You must fill in each box and your form will be rejected if any are left blank. Please comment in the space provided if desired.
The Kuis dormitory (female only) has no meal-plan, but is equipped with amenities such as a private kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, etc. and has a relatively short commute.
Please rank your preference from 1-3, with 1 being your strongest preference. You must fill in each box and your form will be rejected if any are left blank. Please comment in the space provided if desired.
| ||
What are your primary objectives for your study abroad experience? Please also explain what you hope to gain from your housing placement. | ||
Question 22 |
Question 23 |
Friday, October 16, 2009
Confirmation deposit & Cert. of Eligibility
When you go through a 3rd party provider (CIEE or IES), it gets a little confusing when you need to make payments and send in required materials. Some materials will go to IES and some go to SAO. The general rule is that what comes from SAO goes back to SAO and IES to IES. If SAO wants you to pay anything, they will charge your student account. If IES needs you to pay something, you'll probably have to write a check to IES.
Apply for COE is quite a process. COE is needed for applying Jpn student visa, so even though it's an annoying process, it's necessary. In the Confirmation Instructions and Acceptance Package IES gave me is information and instructions on preparing everything needed to apply for COE. I guess this is the great thing about going through a 3rd party provider, they set up everything for you to make it as easy as possible for you.
Materials needed to apply COE:
- an Official Bank Letter stating that whoever is supporting me financially has at least USD 6000 in their account
- upload passport photo to the IES acct.
IES will provide a sample official bank letter for you to take to your bank.
Official Bank Letter Template
Tokyo Immigration Office/
Kanda University of International Studies or Meikai University (include one)
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that NAME OF ACCOUNT HOLDER(S) is an account holder (s) for
the following account:
Amount: $ X,XXX.00 (or “in excess of $6,000.00”)
Date Opened: DATE
The above mentioned balance represents the accumulation of successive deposits.
Apply for COE is quite a process. COE is needed for applying Jpn student visa, so even though it's an annoying process, it's necessary. In the Confirmation Instructions and Acceptance Package IES gave me is information and instructions on preparing everything needed to apply for COE. I guess this is the great thing about going through a 3rd party provider, they set up everything for you to make it as easy as possible for you.
Materials needed to apply COE:
- an Official Bank Letter stating that whoever is supporting me financially has at least USD 6000 in their account
- upload passport photo to the IES acct.
IES will provide a sample official bank letter for you to take to your bank.
Official Bank Letter Template
Tokyo Immigration Office/
Kanda University of International Studies or Meikai University (include one)
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that NAME OF ACCOUNT HOLDER(S) is an account holder (s) for
the following account:
Amount: $ X,XXX.00 (or “in excess of $6,000.00”)
Date Opened: DATE
The above mentioned balance represents the accumulation of successive deposits.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Congratulations from IES Abroad
Dear Yinting, Congratulations! You have been admitted to the IES Abroad Tokyo - Society & Culture program for the Spring2010 term. The admissions process is very selective, and on behalf of IES Abroad, I would like to congratulate you on being accepted to the program. Study abroad is proven to be a life-enhancing experience, and we look forward to helping you prepare for the extraordinary journey that lies ahead. |
To accept your place in the program, log on to your MyIESabroad account at and submit a non-refundable $500 confirmation deposit or Intent to Enroll Form (depending on the school you attend). Use the login ID and password you previously created. If you do not remember your password, please click on "Forgot User ID/Password" on our homepage and you will be able to reset your password. If you do not already have a MyIESabroad account, please use the email address you provided in your application as your login ID. Your password is "password" and you will prompted to change this password the first time you login. You will also be receiving an acceptance packet with detailed information about the program and further details about the required pre-departure documents you will need to complete. Please note: if you do not log on and confirm your place in the program within three weeks of the date of this email, you may lose your place in this program. I urge you to confirm as soon as possible. We encourage you to become a member of your IES Abroad program's Facebook group to meet your classmates and discuss pre-departure plans. You can access your program's group from In addition to your program's specific group, please also take a moment to become a fan of IES Abroad. Your Personal IES Abroad Advisor As you prepare to study abroad, I am available to answer your questions during my business hours listed below, Monday through Friday. Though I may occasionally be away from my office to visit schools, my colleagues will also be available to answer questions. Please thoroughly read all the materials IES Abroad sends to you, as many questions are likely to be answered in these mailings. Family Information We would like to provide your parent(s) or guardian(s) with a specially-tailored information packet that shares details on how they can help and support you through the entire study-abroad experience. If you do not want us to release information to your family or provide directory information to anyone about you, please notify the Dean of Students Office at 800.995.2300 immediately (and no later than one week from the date of this email). Your request for non-disclosure will be honored by IES Abroad throughout your academic experience. |
IES Abroad commits $2 million annually in scholarships and financial aid. With more than 20 distinct financial aid and scholarship categories available (including need-based, merit-based, and diversity student aid), IES Abroad encourages all students attending an IES Abroad Consortium member school to apply. Applying is easy and can be completed online. Apply for a Passport If you do not have a passport, or if your current passport is set to expire within six months after the end date of your IES Abroad program, you must apply for a new passport immediately! For more details, visit If you’re not a U.S. citizen, please follow your government’s procedures for obtaining a passport.Contact a Past IES Abroad Student IES Abroad Ambassadors are recent alumni of IES Abroad programs who are available to answer your questions. To locate an IES Abroad Ambassador for your program, click here. |
Again, congratulations and I am delighted that you have chosen to study abroad with IES Abroad. Sincerely, Beth Eustis IES Abroad Tokyo - Society & Culture Program Advisor (800) 995-2300, M-F, 8:30 - 4:30 Eastern |
This email was sent by: IES Abroad The Institute for the International Education of Students 33 N. LaSalle St. 15th Floor Chicago, IL 60602 800.995.2300 |
2 applications......
Since I'm studying abroad with IES (3rd party provider), I have to fill out their app too. All I had to do was sign in to the IES website and turn in everything they tell me to. Not too hard.
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