Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Cape No. 7
Monday, December 1, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
this is a weird feeling
obama seems like the right one who can bring changes
or is he really the one
and can he really be the one?
will it just be big talks?
presidential candidates promise too much
that may not be fulfilled
high expectations
unrealistic expectations
of what obama will bring
lead to high disappointments
dont be too excited yet
many challenges are waiting
(CNN) -- Barack Obama told supporters that "change has come to America," as he addressed the country for the first time as the president-elect.
var CNN_ArticleChanger = new CNN_imageChanger('cnnImgChngr','/2008/POLITICS/11/04/election.president/imgChng/p1-0.init.exclude.html',2,1); //CNN.imageChanger.load('cnnImgChngr','imgChng/p1-0.exclude.html'); "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America -- I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you -- we as a people will get there," Obama said in Chicago, Illinois.
Police estimated that 125,000 people gathered in Grant Park to hear Obama claim victory.
Obama said he was looking forward to working with Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin "to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead."
McCain on Tuesday urged all Americans to join him in congratulating Sen. Barack Obama on his projected victory in the presidential election.
"I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face," McCain said before his supporters in Phoenix, Arizona.
"Today, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much, and tonight, I remain her servant," he said.
McCain called Obama to congratulate him, Obama's campaign said.
Obama thanked McCain for his graciousness and said he had waged a tough race.
President Bush also called Obama to congratulate him.
Bush told Obama he was about to begin one of the great journeys of his life, and invited him to visit the White House as soon as it could be arranged, according to White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.
With his projected win, Obama will become the nation's 44th president and its first African-American leader.
Supporters in Chicago cheering, "Yes, we can" were met with cries of "Yes, we did."
More than 1,000 people gathered outside of the White House, chanting, "Obama, Obama!"
Obama's former rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton said in a statement that "we are celebrating an historic victory for the American people."
"This was a long and hard fought campaign but the result was well worth the wait. Together, under the leadership of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and a Democratic Congress, we will chart a better course to build a new economy and rebuild our leadership in the world."
The Illinois senator is projected to pick up a big win in Virginia, a state that hasn't voted for a Democratic president since 1964.
Obama also is projected to beat McCain in Ohio, a battleground state that was considered a must-win for the Republican candidate.
Going into the election, national polls showed Obama with an 8-point lead.
Obama will be working with a heavily Democratic Congress. Democrats picked up Senate seats in New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina and Virginia, among others.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell held onto his seat in Kentucky.
CNN's Ed Henry said there were lots of long faces in the lobby of the McCain headquarters at the Arizona Biltmore hotel as McCain allies watched returns showing Senate Republicans losing their seats.
Voters expressed excitement and pride in their country after casting their ballots Tuesday in what has proved to be a historic election.
Poll workers reported high turnout across many parts of the country, and some voters waited hours to cast their ballots.
Reports of minor problems and delays in opening polls began surfacing early Tuesday, shortly after polls opened on the East Coast.
The presidential candidates both voted early in the day before heading out to the campaign trail one last time.
As McCain and Obama emerged from their parties' conventions, the race was essentially a toss-up, with McCain campaigning on his experience and Obama on the promise of change. But the race was altered by the financial crisis that hit Wall Street in September
obama seems like the right one who can bring changes
or is he really the one
and can he really be the one?
will it just be big talks?
presidential candidates promise too much
that may not be fulfilled
high expectations
unrealistic expectations
of what obama will bring
lead to high disappointments
dont be too excited yet
many challenges are waiting
(CNN) -- Barack Obama told supporters that "change has come to America," as he addressed the country for the first time as the president-elect.
Sen. Barack Obama addresses a crowd of 125,000 people in Chicago, Illinois.
Police estimated that 125,000 people gathered in Grant Park to hear Obama claim victory.
Obama said he was looking forward to working with Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin "to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead."
McCain on Tuesday urged all Americans to join him in congratulating Sen. Barack Obama on his projected victory in the presidential election.
"I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face," McCain said before his supporters in Phoenix, Arizona.
"Today, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much, and tonight, I remain her servant," he said.
McCain called Obama to congratulate him, Obama's campaign said.
Obama thanked McCain for his graciousness and said he had waged a tough race.
President Bush also called Obama to congratulate him.
With his projected win, Obama will become the nation's 44th president and its first African-American leader.
Supporters in Chicago cheering, "Yes, we can" were met with cries of "Yes, we did."
More than 1,000 people gathered outside of the White House, chanting, "Obama, Obama!"
Obama's former rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton said in a statement that "we are celebrating an historic victory for the American people."
"This was a long and hard fought campaign but the result was well worth the wait. Together, under the leadership of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and a Democratic Congress, we will chart a better course to build a new economy and rebuild our leadership in the world."
The Illinois senator is projected to pick up a big win in Virginia, a state that hasn't voted for a Democratic president since 1964.
Obama also is projected to beat McCain in Ohio, a battleground state that was considered a must-win for the Republican candidate.
Going into the election, national polls showed Obama with an 8-point lead.
Obama will be working with a heavily Democratic Congress. Democrats picked up Senate seats in New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina and Virginia, among others.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell held onto his seat in Kentucky.
CNN's Ed Henry said there were lots of long faces in the lobby of the McCain headquarters at the Arizona Biltmore hotel as McCain allies watched returns showing Senate Republicans losing their seats.
Voters expressed excitement and pride in their country after casting their ballots Tuesday in what has proved to be a historic election.
Poll workers reported high turnout across many parts of the country, and some voters waited hours to cast their ballots.
Reports of minor problems and delays in opening polls began surfacing early Tuesday, shortly after polls opened on the East Coast.
The presidential candidates both voted early in the day before heading out to the campaign trail one last time.
Tuesday also marked the end of the longest presidential campaign season in U.S. history -- 21 months.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
To Write Love On Her Arms Day
Date: | Thursday, November 13, 2008 |
Time: | 1:00am - 11:55pm |
Location: | WORLDWIDE |
On November 13 write LOVE on your arm in big letters. Be creative spread the word. This is for all the survivors and all the innocent. All of the teenagers who are hurting and who think that suicide is the only way they can turn. Also, don't forget to donate so all of the kids in need can get the help that they deserve.
As someone who suffers from depression and has struggled with suicidal thoughts, i think this is an absolutely wonderful idea. I would do it once a month if it meant raising awareness on the dangers and how severe this disease really is. Depression and suicide have an impact on everyones life, whether it's through having depression, or knowing someone who suffers from the disease or knowing someone who has committed suicide. It's such a simple thing to do. If you can dress up for spirit week at your school, i think you can take the time to write LOVE on your arm. Its time to stand up and get the word out. Maybe someday there will be a cure for this, instead of just a treatment that could potentially make it worse. It takes just thirty seconds to write four letters. I challenge you to stand up and speak out!
I think some people are confused about what this is. All you have to do is literally write LOVE on your arm to show support. Maybe even donate money or time at your local suicide hotline. When someone asks... 'Why is that on your arm?' You can spread the word about depression and suicide. For some reason in our society, depression and suicide are still taboo topics that a lot of people want to keep quiet. But i think that everyone needs to start talking about it. Help is out there, and by keeping quiet we're only hurting the people who need the help. So speak up, and speak out
Check out the Site. and see the story that started it all.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
不論是自己嚮往,還是因為其他的原因來到國外,從到了異國他鄉的第一步,我們就有了一個共同的名字,外國人。外國人,顧名思義就是外面國家的人,一個本不 屬於本國的人,外面的永遠和裏面的有著所謂的區別。本國人口頭上是很注意回避用“差別”這個詞來形容這種所謂的區別,回避使用帶有優劣色彩的辭彙,然而這 又能如何?實際生活中,赤裸露骨的差別何處不在?租房子,進學校,找工作,就連消費都包括在內。外國人這個名字,隨時提醒著我們這裏不是家,所以不要幻想 平等,不要奢望同情,最後能幫自己的只有自己,要漸漸學會自己疼愛自己.
不得不承認我們的心是被扭曲的,至少不是正常的,我們生存在一個本來不正常的環境裏面。從踏入別人的國門,我們就要學著精打細算,學著兢兢業業,學著潔身 自好,學著面對油鹽醬醋,面對鍋碗瓢盆,面對人間冷暖。摔倒了爬起來,明白了懂事了。摔多了,習慣了,堅強了,也孤僻了。大事小事都要靠自己,所以我們越 來越堅強,堅強的不習慣別人的關心;時時刻刻都要保護自己,所以我們越來越自戀,自戀的忘記了還要關心別人。我們的浮躁,我們的自私,逆流而上,讓我們孤 僻的美麗可憐。這不是歇斯底里,一夜之間自己曾所熟悉的擁有的都消失不見,取而代之的是另一個和自己格格不入的世界,誰又會笑得很舒?
國外不是天堂,即便說給出來旅遊的人們,也不會相信,反而換來的將是一句不知好歹。我們不是來旅遊的,我們都明白接著要在國外走過的這幾個灰色春夏秋冬將 要如何堅強面對,這裏沒有天使,也不是天堂,至少對於我們這群被稱作外國人的群體來說,這裏絕對不是天堂。就連我們自己在明白的時候,也已經是在國外翻打 許久以後了。
國外的時間流逝的很快,一天分三十六個小時來用都不夠,因為我們要花太多的時間精力在一些曾經覺得微不足道的小事情。洗衣掃地,燒水做飯,縫縫補補,我們 的理想不算偉大,只期望偶爾某個早上能偷偷的睡個懶覺。夜裏打工回來,總會是比較興奮的,即便是自己想要去睡覺,也睡不著。身體很累想要睡去,精神卻還在 折騰。於是每天上床睡覺的時候,才發現又預支了第二天好幾個小時。
上網侵蝕了我們每天很多時間,這仿佛聽起來對於喊著沒有時間的我們,很難自圓其說。那是我們僅存的一點僥倖心理在作祟,讓在不經意中還渴望有人和自己一 樣,在地球的某個角落發送著SOS或者渴望著回音。於是我們揮霍著寶貴的睡眠時間,遊蕩在一個不存在的感情世界裏。或許網路裏面的我們,才是真實的,因為 這裏讓我們感到安心,這裏沒有天堂沒有地獄,沒有國界。在假的世界裏有著真的我們,暫時逃避開真的世界裏面那個假的自己。
對於在外面的我們來說,有兩群朋友,國內和國外的。每次回國,封印的記憶被打開,見到國內朋友是一件多麼幸福的事情。只是隨著在兩個不同環境成長的我們和 他們之間,共同語言越來越少,當自己滿懷激情的要把經歷和感受說給他們的時候,反而讓朋友們感到莫名其妙,雖然每次朋友都會微笑點頭,但是直覺告訴自己, 他們不會懂,就像自己很難理解朋友們的許多想法一樣。在國外的朋友就不同了。經歷相同的事情,接觸相同的時間,共同語言就會多許多,然而離的越近,摩擦面 也就越大,好在雖然時不時吵到面紅耳赤,幾個小時以後,大家又都會回到不分你我,因為心裏都明白,處一個朋友是如何寶貴的,快樂是因為兩個人的快樂,悲傷 是因為兩個人的悲傷。蝙蝠不會和鳥兒飛翔,也不同於獸類的習性,能和它為伍的只有和自己一樣的蝙蝠。
國外的愛情,來的太快,走的更快。這裏沒有親情,缺少友情,愛情的成分就自然膨脹。脆弱的人把愛情當作良藥,堅強的人把愛情當作遊戲。這裏的愛情就像被飼 養的肉食雞一樣,有了目的的成長只是一個簡單的程式,幾天就可以養肥一隻白白胖胖的雞,幾天也可以培養一份看似親密無間的愛情。結果,和肉食雞乾燥無味的 肉質一樣,催化起來的愛情也是難以下嚥。
想家像父母,但是不懂得如何能確切表達。即便在國外學了許多語言,卻發現自己的表達能力越來越差。“慈母手中線,遊子身上衣”這裏面的分量,心裏明白,也 想說,說不出來。想家的感覺很美,就像圓月的深夜,想要沉浸在這個美麗中,卻有冷風時時提醒自己,這是外國的月亮。家,對我們來說,是藏在心裏最暖的一個 寄託,不敢打開這個盒子,一旦打開,眼淚就會有流下來。然而,外國不需要我們的眼淚,只需要我們汗水。親情也自然就成了一個被禁忌的話題,成了扭著心頭的 痛。
我們在國外,努力過,成功過,相信過,期望過,欣慰過,失敗過,猜疑過,傷心過,失望過,憤怒過,高興過,糊塗過,領悟過,張揚過,虛偽過,坦誠過,興奮 過,平淡過,墮落過,發奮過,認真過,馬虎過,悲哀過,同情過,憐憫過,無奈過,爭取過,承受過,美麗過,醜陋過,施捨過,得到過,想念過,忘記過,珍惜 過,遺失過,掙扎過,痛苦過,精明過,瘋狂過,傻過,哭過,笑過,憂過,愁過,真心恨過,更真心愛過.有血有肉的我們在國外曾經走過。
Pasted from <>
Friday, September 5, 2008
waiting is good
wait for the bus
wait for a seat
wait for traffic
wait in line
everyone hates to wait
we want the fastest internet
the fastest computer
the fastest car
the fastest way to the destination
we dislike local roads
and love highways
we are impatient people
but God wants us to wait
to wait for his reply
to wait for his answer
it's hard
esp when we are used to having everything available when we want them
and being super efficient with what we do
He wants us to be patient
"blessed are those who wait for him" Isa. 30:18
so be patient
and wait
wait for the bus
wait for a seat
wait for traffic
wait in line
everyone hates to wait
we want the fastest internet
the fastest computer
the fastest car
the fastest way to the destination
we dislike local roads
and love highways
we are impatient people
but God wants us to wait
to wait for his reply
to wait for his answer
it's hard
esp when we are used to having everything available when we want them
and being super efficient with what we do
He wants us to be patient
"blessed are those who wait for him" Isa. 30:18
so be patient
and wait
Friday, August 29, 2008
跟他 (她) 們沒那麼熟了
想要回到以前那 desperate for God 的我
readings 多了
papers 多了
我 ready 了嗎?
跟他 (她) 們沒那麼熟了
想要回到以前那 desperate for God 的我
readings 多了
papers 多了
我 ready 了嗎?
26 hrs
我在昨天早上6 點會到學校了。
從香港到學校花了大概 26 個小時吧。
到了三藩市機場被通知 美國航空 (American Airlines)晚班,延遲 1 小時飛。
在三藩市機場小睡了 30 分鐘,上了飛機到芝加哥已經11:45了。
本來是要坐12:10am 的巴士回學校的,
可是來不及了,所以多付了 USD10 坐3:00am 的。
美國航空 (American Airlines)真的很糟糕!
我的手機 sim 卡不見了,會這兩天去補一張的了。
從香港到學校花了大概 26 個小時吧。
到了三藩市機場被通知 美國航空 (American Airlines)晚班,延遲 1 小時飛。
在三藩市機場小睡了 30 分鐘,上了飛機到芝加哥已經11:45了。
本來是要坐12:10am 的巴士回學校的,
可是來不及了,所以多付了 USD10 坐3:00am 的。
美國航空 (American Airlines)真的很糟糕!
我的手機 sim 卡不見了,會這兩天去補一張的了。
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
feel so disconnected from uiuc ppl
not only disconnected
it feels like i dont know those ppl anymore
wonder wat will happen when everyone graduates
everyone goes in diff direction
doesnt care bout wat the others r doing
maybe still contact ea other for the first 2 years
then disappear and then
meet once every 10 years
these 2 months r esp hard, spritually
hanging out with non christians is so much more relaxing
being a non christian is so much more relaxing
its like the burden of the mission is gone
i can take off the label now
not only disconnected
it feels like i dont know those ppl anymore
wonder wat will happen when everyone graduates
everyone goes in diff direction
doesnt care bout wat the others r doing
maybe still contact ea other for the first 2 years
then disappear and then
meet once every 10 years
these 2 months r esp hard, spritually
hanging out with non christians is so much more relaxing
being a non christian is so much more relaxing
its like the burden of the mission is gone
i can take off the label now
Friday, July 4, 2008
love cuhk international summer school people!!
had so much fun yesterday n today.
4-day weekend during summer sku
everyone's making good use of it
went to shatin for lunch with classmates n a friend
then shopping
then happy valley for the last horse race of the season
didnt bet but it was still interesting
ppl there r so serious about horse racing
they study it like it's a class
stood for 3 hrs straight tho
was gonna go to LKF
yea.. gonna, didnt go
went to ocean park today
it was boiling
we only went on 3 rides
still hecka fun tho
cant love these ppl more
pix on facebook
gotta start reading n studying soon....
had so much fun yesterday n today.
4-day weekend during summer sku
everyone's making good use of it
went to shatin for lunch with classmates n a friend
then shopping
then happy valley for the last horse race of the season
didnt bet but it was still interesting
ppl there r so serious about horse racing
they study it like it's a class
stood for 3 hrs straight tho
was gonna go to LKF
yea.. gonna, didnt go
went to ocean park today
it was boiling
we only went on 3 rides
still hecka fun tho
cant love these ppl more
pix on facebook
gotta start reading n studying soon....
Friday, June 20, 2008
CUHK International Summer School
orientation was last friday. met so many people!!! this summer there's over 400 students fm all over the place. cuhk had a hong kong island trip last saturday, so i went n got to know the ppl a little more. met so many australians, see if i can pick up some aussie accent by the end of the summer :P
went to the peak, needa go again cuz the weather on sat was reli bad. quarry bay, repulse bay, stanley, wan chai, mong kok. saw converse for HK$199!! think im gonna buy 2 more pairs, then i'll have 6 pairs :D
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
parents dragged me to the office yesterday
my mom didnt even tell me anything until 30 mins before they r leaving
im the office assistant here
mom assigned me to help the accounting dept
the one dept that i do not wanna work for
after working here for 2 days
i reli start wondering whether this is the job for me or not
i mean whether i wanna help my dad in the future or not
if i do, i think i'll die very early
i cant take the stress
i always came to the office with dad when i was little
but i never realized how often he frowns
there are so many things to worry about
so many things to think about
work never ends
phone calls keep coming
i saw him holding two phones at once yesterday
that prob happens very often
good news is work hard = $$
the company's making some A&F n JC Penny clothings
heard that nordstrom might give us some orders too
than i get to get free clothes :)
that sounds pretty excited
i still dont wanna be the accounting dept assistant tho
my mom didnt even tell me anything until 30 mins before they r leaving
im the office assistant here
mom assigned me to help the accounting dept
the one dept that i do not wanna work for
after working here for 2 days
i reli start wondering whether this is the job for me or not
i mean whether i wanna help my dad in the future or not
if i do, i think i'll die very early
i cant take the stress
i always came to the office with dad when i was little
but i never realized how often he frowns
there are so many things to worry about
so many things to think about
work never ends
phone calls keep coming
i saw him holding two phones at once yesterday
that prob happens very often
good news is work hard = $$
the company's making some A&F n JC Penny clothings
heard that nordstrom might give us some orders too
than i get to get free clothes :)
that sounds pretty excited
i still dont wanna be the accounting dept assistant tho
Thursday, May 22, 2008
等了 8 年
等了 8 年
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Summer in Chambana
moved in to the apt last sunday
there were a bit of complications
but it all turned out well
the first nite was hard
miss everyone sooo much
cant stop thinking bout you guys
apt is reli cool
quite a nice place
i feel so much more independent living in an apt
cooking's a problem tho
since lindsay's sick
amber, me n sarah have to cook
n none of us reli know how
want lindsay back!
dropped the summer course after the first class
i think it's too much work for me
cant handle it cuz i hv 2 jobs rite now
being a campus tour guide is a lot of fun
i love this job!
im gonna be a pro at walking backwards :)
just got a phone call from the U of I Foundation
n guess what?
i got hired!!!
training session is on friday :D
totally needa praise god with giving me all the jobs
it's crazy! i get hired every time i apply
amazing grace!
there were a bit of complications
but it all turned out well
the first nite was hard
miss everyone sooo much
cant stop thinking bout you guys
apt is reli cool
quite a nice place
i feel so much more independent living in an apt
cooking's a problem tho
since lindsay's sick
amber, me n sarah have to cook
n none of us reli know how
want lindsay back!
dropped the summer course after the first class
i think it's too much work for me
cant handle it cuz i hv 2 jobs rite now
being a campus tour guide is a lot of fun
i love this job!
im gonna be a pro at walking backwards :)
just got a phone call from the U of I Foundation
n guess what?
i got hired!!!
training session is on friday :D
totally needa praise god with giving me all the jobs
it's crazy! i get hired every time i apply
amazing grace!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Love Protects
Thursday, April 24, 2008 
"The LORD God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them."
Genesis 3:21
That simple sentence suggests three powerful scenes.
Scene 1: God slays an animal. For the first time in the history of the earth, dirt is stained with blood. Innocent blood. The beast committed no sin. The creature did not deserve to die.
Adam and Eve did. The couple deserve to die, but they live…
Scene 2: Clothing is made. The shaper of the stars now become a tailor.
And in Scene 3: God dresses them. “The Lord …dressed them.”
Adam and Eve are on their way out of the garden. They’ve been told to leave, but now God tells them to stop. “Those fig leaves,” he says, shaking his head, “will never do.” And he produces some clothing. But he doesn’t tell them to get dressed. He dresses them himself. As a father would zip up the jacket of a preschooler. God covers them.
"The LORD God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them."
Genesis 3:21
That simple sentence suggests three powerful scenes.
Scene 1: God slays an animal. For the first time in the history of the earth, dirt is stained with blood. Innocent blood. The beast committed no sin. The creature did not deserve to die.
Adam and Eve did. The couple deserve to die, but they live…
Scene 2: Clothing is made. The shaper of the stars now become a tailor.
And in Scene 3: God dresses them. “The Lord …dressed them.”
Adam and Eve are on their way out of the garden. They’ve been told to leave, but now God tells them to stop. “Those fig leaves,” he says, shaking his head, “will never do.” And he produces some clothing. But he doesn’t tell them to get dressed. He dresses them himself. As a father would zip up the jacket of a preschooler. God covers them.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
馬英九 當選!
由 於本次選舉距離立委選舉僅有兩個月,許多人都以立委選舉得票率為這次總統大選的評估指標,泛藍陣營在上次立委選舉不分區中獲得約56%的選票,泛綠則為 41%。從開票結果來看,綠、藍雙方得票率與上次立委選舉相差不大,謝長廷、蘇貞昌獲得544萬5239票,得票率41.55%;馬英九、蕭萬長獲得 765萬8724票,得票率為58.45%。
馬 英九表示,他選前走訪台灣2百多鄉鎮市,覺得台灣人民不要大富大貴,只要過好日子,不希望在原地踏步,國民黨當選後承擔了一個重大的責任,要以最快的速度 把各項政見變成政策、編列預算,徹底落實、追蹤考核,同時也會將謝長廷的政見納入參考。他認為這次並不是國民黨或他與蕭萬長個人的勝利,而是全台灣所有希 望改革開放、求新求變人民的共同勝利;若加上立委選舉,表示台灣民眾希望國民黨完全執政,希望政府清廉、政治繁榮、政治和平也不要戰爭。
馬 英九今晚也向競爭對手致意,雖然選舉時彼此有許多批評、火花,但國民黨從來不敢忽視民進黨過去的貢獻,對於總統選舉能夠平和落幕,民進黨與國民黨應同感驕 傲。幾千年來在華人社會中,只有台灣的民主可以走這麼遠,有這樣的境界,雖然台灣的民主還有許多改善的空間,但自由民主仍是台灣最大的資產,他也承諾以生 命來捍衛台灣民主。
而 面對大批心情沈重的支持者,謝長廷很有風度的恭賀對手當選,同時也表示,是他個人辜負了人民的期待,要負起最大的責任,也會實現敗選後的所有承諾。他也呼 籲支持者,要化失望為動力,共同來守護台灣的民主,選舉是失敗了,但是還有更重要的任務要走,千萬不要讓民主的火種熄滅。
民 進黨籍副總統候選人蘇貞昌曾任台灣省議員、立法委員、屏東縣長、台北縣長、總統府秘書長、民進黨主席及行政院長等職務,地方行政經驗豐富。蘇貞昌曾經於本 次總統大選前與謝長廷一起角逐黨內提名,並於初選期間內對重砲攻擊謝長廷,但依舊敗給謝長廷,隨後接受民進黨徵召,以「長昌配」擔任謝長廷的副總統候選 人。
由 於本次選舉距離立委選舉僅有兩個月,許多人都以立委選舉得票率為這次總統大選的評估指標,泛藍陣營在上次立委選舉不分區中獲得約56%的選票,泛綠則為 41%。從開票結果來看,綠、藍雙方得票率與上次立委選舉相差不大,謝長廷、蘇貞昌獲得544萬5239票,得票率41.55%;馬英九、蕭萬長獲得 765萬8724票,得票率為58.45%。
馬 英九表示,他選前走訪台灣2百多鄉鎮市,覺得台灣人民不要大富大貴,只要過好日子,不希望在原地踏步,國民黨當選後承擔了一個重大的責任,要以最快的速度 把各項政見變成政策、編列預算,徹底落實、追蹤考核,同時也會將謝長廷的政見納入參考。他認為這次並不是國民黨或他與蕭萬長個人的勝利,而是全台灣所有希 望改革開放、求新求變人民的共同勝利;若加上立委選舉,表示台灣民眾希望國民黨完全執政,希望政府清廉、政治繁榮、政治和平也不要戰爭。
馬 英九今晚也向競爭對手致意,雖然選舉時彼此有許多批評、火花,但國民黨從來不敢忽視民進黨過去的貢獻,對於總統選舉能夠平和落幕,民進黨與國民黨應同感驕 傲。幾千年來在華人社會中,只有台灣的民主可以走這麼遠,有這樣的境界,雖然台灣的民主還有許多改善的空間,但自由民主仍是台灣最大的資產,他也承諾以生 命來捍衛台灣民主。
而 面對大批心情沈重的支持者,謝長廷很有風度的恭賀對手當選,同時也表示,是他個人辜負了人民的期待,要負起最大的責任,也會實現敗選後的所有承諾。他也呼 籲支持者,要化失望為動力,共同來守護台灣的民主,選舉是失敗了,但是還有更重要的任務要走,千萬不要讓民主的火種熄滅。
民 進黨籍副總統候選人蘇貞昌曾任台灣省議員、立法委員、屏東縣長、台北縣長、總統府秘書長、民進黨主席及行政院長等職務,地方行政經驗豐富。蘇貞昌曾經於本 次總統大選前與謝長廷一起角逐黨內提名,並於初選期間內對重砲攻擊謝長廷,但依舊敗給謝長廷,隨後接受民進黨徵召,以「長昌配」擔任謝長廷的副總統候選 人。
Friday, March 14, 2008
為甚麼花那麼多時間和精神 卻得不到想要的?
祝大家 每天都沒煩惱,開心快樂的過生活 :)
為甚麼花那麼多時間和精神 卻得不到想要的?
祝大家 每天都沒煩惱,開心快樂的過生活 :)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Hi 大家,
不過還好的是再過一個禮拜就是復活節了。復活節我會和團契的人到之 加 哥的Circle Urban Ministries, Lawndale Community Church 和 Judson Baptist Church幫忙5天。其他的5天會分別住在 Rachel Keung,Abe Lang 和 Amber Feigei 家。Rachel Keung 是團契的團長,爸爸是伊利諾大學芝加哥分校的物理教授。Abe Lang 是團契的組長,是稀有的基督教猶太人。Amber Feigei 住我房間對面,是我在宿舍的白人好朋友之一。
然後就要報告好消息!我被學校的廣告社團選做 Student Spotlight,就是他們覺得我是個有潛力的廣告學生 ,所以登了一篇我的簡介在社團的網站上。
然後就要報告好消息!我被學校的廣告社團選做 Student Spotlight,就是他們覺得我是個有潛力的廣告學生
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
好累,好幸苦,覺得要窒息了。 他佔有了我的全部,他的笑,他的每一個動作,他說的每一句話,他和身邊的人的互動 我都沒有辦法不去注意。 想放下,知道必須放下,可就沒有辦法做到。明知道我們兩個根本是不可能發生,心裡卻抱著那 0.001% 的希望,盼望著或許有一天。。。
以 前覺得情歌超無聊,不懂為何市面會有那麼多情歌。現在的我和其他女孩一樣,瘋狂的尋找那首合我心情的歌。想要聽著歌大哭一場!可悲的是我哭不出來。這是我 第一次“愛”的如此深,如此的無法自拔。。。不懂,我不懂!!不懂為甚麼會喜歡上他!他不帥,而且才高我 3 寸,高跟鞋穿上去都要比他高了。到底為甚麼會喜歡上他?!可是我放不下,也不想放下。好幸苦,真的好累,好累。
作詞:施人誠/馮士哲 作曲:馮士哲 編曲:董運昌
如果你不再出現 我的世界 還有什麼可貴
可惜不夠時間 讓我們試驗 什麼叫永遠
#想念變成懷念 心動變成心碎
偏偏還會關切 你最後屬於誰
*我的天空今天有點灰 我的心是個落葉的季節
我不知道如何度過今夜 所有的燈早已經全都熄滅
如果你從沒出現 我會不會 覺得快樂一些
可惜殘忍時間 總要把諾言 一點點摧毀
以 前覺得情歌超無聊,不懂為何市面會有那麼多情歌。現在的我和其他女孩一樣,瘋狂的尋找那首合我心情的歌。想要聽著歌大哭一場!可悲的是我哭不出來。這是我 第一次“愛”的如此深,如此的無法自拔。。。不懂,我不懂!!不懂為甚麼會喜歡上他!他不帥,而且才高我 3 寸,高跟鞋穿上去都要比他高了。到底為甚麼會喜歡上他?!可是我放不下,也不想放下。好幸苦,真的好累,好累。
作詞:施人誠/馮士哲 作曲:馮士哲 編曲:董運昌
如果你不再出現 我的世界 還有什麼可貴
可惜不夠時間 讓我們試驗 什麼叫永遠
#想念變成懷念 心動變成心碎
偏偏還會關切 你最後屬於誰
*我的天空今天有點灰 我的心是個落葉的季節
我不知道如何度過今夜 所有的燈早已經全都熄滅
如果你從沒出現 我會不會 覺得快樂一些
可惜殘忍時間 總要把諾言 一點點摧毀
Saturday, February 9, 2008
The Prince of Egypt- There can be miracles
Many nights we prayed With no proof anyone could hear
許多夜晚我們禱告 不確定神是否聽到
In our hearts a hopeful song We barely understood
心中有首盼望之歌 超越我們所能明瞭
Now we are not afraid Although we know theres much to fear
如今我們不再恐懼 儘管未來令人畏懼
We were moving mountains Long before we knew we could
早在我們明白以前 我們信心已能移山
There can be miracles when you believe Though hope is frail its hard to kill
當你相信 就能帶來神蹟 儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕
Who knows what miracles you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe
祂明白你能行出奇蹟 當你相信 你就能行 當你相信 就能做到
End this time of fear When pray so often proves in vain
終結心中恐懼 儘管禱告似乎徒勞
Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly blown away
Yet now im standing here My heart so full i cant explain
我仍要持守站立 我心豐盛難以言喻
Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say
我從未想過我能開口 尋求信心為神發聲
They don't always happen when you ask And its easy to give in to your fears (oh)
當你祈求就必得著 不必屈服恐懼之下
But when your blinded by your pain You can see your way though the rain
我們總因苦痛盲目 經歷恩雨反能看見
All is stil, It's in your voice, It says hope is very near
靜默之時祢的聲音 訴說盼望已然來臨
歌詞翻譯節錄至 羊耳朵
ps 小朋友的歌聲 in Hebrew
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously)
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously)
Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-elim adonai
(Who is like You, oh Lord, among the celestial)
Mi-ka-mo-cha ne-dar- ba-ko-desh
(Who is like You, majestic in holiness)
Na-chi-tah v¡¯-chas-d¡¯-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed)
Na-chi-tah v¡¯-chas-d¡¯-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed)
A-shi-ra, a-shi-ra, a-shi-ra...
(I will sing, I will sing, I will sing)
許多夜晚我們禱告 不確定神是否聽到
In our hearts a hopeful song We barely understood
心中有首盼望之歌 超越我們所能明瞭
Now we are not afraid Although we know theres much to fear
如今我們不再恐懼 儘管未來令人畏懼
We were moving mountains Long before we knew we could
早在我們明白以前 我們信心已能移山
There can be miracles when you believe Though hope is frail its hard to kill
當你相信 就能帶來神蹟 儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕
Who knows what miracles you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe
祂明白你能行出奇蹟 當你相信 你就能行 當你相信 就能做到
End this time of fear When pray so often proves in vain
終結心中恐懼 儘管禱告似乎徒勞
Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly blown away
Yet now im standing here My heart so full i cant explain
我仍要持守站立 我心豐盛難以言喻
Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say
我從未想過我能開口 尋求信心為神發聲
They don't always happen when you ask And its easy to give in to your fears (oh)
當你祈求就必得著 不必屈服恐懼之下
But when your blinded by your pain You can see your way though the rain
我們總因苦痛盲目 經歷恩雨反能看見
All is stil, It's in your voice, It says hope is very near
靜默之時祢的聲音 訴說盼望已然來臨
歌詞翻譯節錄至 羊耳朵
ps 小朋友的歌聲 in Hebrew
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously)
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously)
Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-elim adonai
(Who is like You, oh Lord, among the celestial)
Mi-ka-mo-cha ne-dar- ba-ko-desh
(Who is like You, majestic in holiness)
Na-chi-tah v¡¯-chas-d¡¯-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed)
Na-chi-tah v¡¯-chas-d¡¯-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed)
A-shi-ra, a-shi-ra, a-shi-ra...
(I will sing, I will sing, I will sing)
Thursday, February 7, 2008
祝 大家
萬事如意 !
祝 大家
萬事如意 !
Monday, February 4, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Once upon a beautiful day, there was a lovely girl named YinTing.
Wherever she went loveliness spread around here. She was amazing.
She was born for happiness and flowers and sugar covered clouds.
Wherever she went loveliness spread around here. She was amazing.
She was born for happiness and flowers and sugar covered clouds.
She loved people. Loved God. Loved her family and friends. She just loved.
She attracted people like oppositely charged magnets.
She is adored by all and she is blessed. Blessed.
She lived the rest of her days with eternal happiness.
God was pleased. Truly pleased.
She attracted people like oppositely charged magnets.
She is adored by all and she is blessed. Blessed.
She lived the rest of her days with eternal happiness.
God was pleased. Truly pleased.
- Stephanie Park
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Praise the Lord for He is good
Thank you for everything you did
and is doing for me
Thank you for your unfailing Love
your merciful heart
and the countless blessings
I pray that you'll walk with
me through the dessert
hold me and guide me in the dark
carry me in the storm
I pray that you'll bless my family
Daddy, Mummy, Yuen-Yuen, Pi-Pi, Mei-Mei
Let them be surrounded by the angels
who will protect them from evil spirits
Let them be filled with the Holy Spirit
and find joy and peace in you daily
Thank you for everything you did
and is doing for me
Thank you for your unfailing Love
your merciful heart
and the countless blessings
I pray that you'll walk with
me through the dessert
hold me and guide me in the dark
carry me in the storm
I pray that you'll bless my family
Daddy, Mummy, Yuen-Yuen, Pi-Pi, Mei-Mei
Let them be surrounded by the angels
who will protect them from evil spirits
Let them be filled with the Holy Spirit
and find joy and peace in you daily
Friday, January 25, 2008
前天出 交換學生辦公室 拿了申請表
將會 在 4/ July/ 08 - 15/ Aug /08 於
東京 的 International Christian University
學習日文 6 個 禮拜
基本學費是 US$ 3115
交換學生獎學金的申請表在 5 Mar 08 交
交換學生獎學金的申請表 之外
還有 廣告學系 的申請表 在二月底要交
前天出 交換學生辦公室 拿了申請表
將會 在 4/ July/ 08 - 15/ Aug /08 於
東京 的 International Christian University
學習日文 6 個 禮拜
基本學費是 US$ 3115
交換學生獎學金的申請表在 5 Mar 08 交
交換學生獎學金的申請表 之外
還有 廣告學系 的申請表 在二月底要交
Sunday, January 20, 2008
2nd semester
這個學期拿的課好重了一點,總共有 20 學分。
另外還修了: 寫作,統計,心理,體育。 除了上課外,還要做義工。這學期應該會超忙的吧!
這個學期拿的課好重了一點,總共有 20 學分。
另外還修了: 寫作,統計,心理,體育。 除了上課外,還要做義工。這學期應該會超忙的吧!
MON | TUE | WED | THUR | FRI | |
09:00 AM | JAPN 202 09:00-09:50 | JAPN 202 09:00-09:50 | JAPN 202 09:00-09:50 | JAPN 202 09:00-09:50 | JAPN 202 09:00-09:50 |
10:00 AM | RHET 105 10:00-10:50 | RHET 105 10:00-10:50 | RHET 105 10:00-10:50 | ||
11:00 AM | |||||
12:00 AM | STAT 100 12:00-12:50 | STAT 100 12:00-12:50 | STAT 100 12:00-12:50 | ||
01:00 PM | KIN 104 01:00-01:50 | KIN 104 01:00-01:50 | KIN 104 01:00-01:50 | ||
02:00 PM | PSYC 100 02:00-02:50 | PSYC 100 02:00-02:50 | PSYC 100 02:00-02:50 | ||
03:00 PM | ADV 300 03:30-04:50 | ADV 300 03:30-04:50 | |||
04:00 PM |
Friday, January 11, 2008
Went to my dad's office the other day and took a lot of clothes. think they'll keep me wam this winter :) n as usual ...ate tons of good food :D haven't done any shopping yet... too busy... will do it tmr.
Christmas break is almost over and I am abslutly ready for school ~miss my crazy dorm mates a lot!! This break is a fruitful one, I got my Taiwan driver's license and an international driving license too ^^
After I came back to Hong Kong, I "worked" with the Advertising Manager and the Marketing Manager at a company that sells a popular product for 8 days. It was tiring (I worked from 8:30am ~ 6:30pm Mon~ Fri, 8:30am ~12:30pm on Sat) but I learned so much! Every report that I wrote is in Chinese cuz my boss doesn't speak English. It forced me to learn how to type in Chinese and thanks to the new Chinese typing program that Google developed, it helped me typed Chinese a lot faster :)
The prouct that my company sell:
Ladies: "My Pretty Diary" masks are amazing, good n cheap!! too bad they only sell them in Taiwan :( go check out the website n get jealous :P
Christmas break is almost over and I am abslutly ready for school ~miss my crazy dorm mates a lot!! This break is a fruitful one, I got my Taiwan driver's license and an international driving license too ^^
After I came back to Hong Kong, I "worked" with the Advertising Manager and the Marketing Manager at a company that sells a popular product for 8 days. It was tiring (I worked from 8:30am ~ 6:30pm Mon~ Fri, 8:30am ~12:30pm on Sat) but I learned so much! Every report that I wrote is in Chinese cuz my boss doesn't speak English. It forced me to learn how to type in Chinese and thanks to the new Chinese typing program that Google developed, it helped me typed Chinese a lot faster :)
The prouct that my company sell:
Ladies: "My Pretty Diary" masks are amazing, good n cheap!! too bad they only sell them in Taiwan :( go check out the website n get jealous :P
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
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