"The LORD God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them."
Genesis 3:21
That simple sentence suggests three powerful scenes.
Scene 1: God slays an animal. For the first time in the history of the earth, dirt is stained with blood. Innocent blood. The beast committed no sin. The creature did not deserve to die.
Adam and Eve did. The couple deserve to die, but they live…
Scene 2: Clothing is made. The shaper of the stars now become a tailor.
And in Scene 3: God dresses them. “The Lord …dressed them.”
Adam and Eve are on their way out of the garden. They’ve been told to leave, but now God tells them to stop. “Those fig leaves,” he says, shaking his head, “will never do.” And he produces some clothing. But he doesn’t tell them to get dressed. He dresses them himself. As a father would zip up the jacket of a preschooler. God covers them.
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