I didn't know that I'm gonna like Korea this much, heheh. After spending a month in Korea, I totally fell in love with this place. Korea's great, Seoul's a lot of fun, I really like Yonsei University's location and the people I met here. I met so many great people and made a lot of new friends. I went to visit one of my new friend's house in Ulsan last weekend :) I went to Mokpo, Daegu and Ulsan to visit my friends the first weekend I was in Korea. It was quite an adventure cuz I don't speak Korean at all. I was using a lot of body language (actually, I'm still using body language) :P
People here are really nice, very friendly and helpful. But they don't say sorry if they bumped into you or stepped on your toes with their high heels. The hierarchy here is strict. Even if I'm good friends with people older than me, I have to respect them and call them "oppa" (older brother) or "onni" (older sister). When you intro yourself, you're supposed to tell your age too. Women here are not afriad to tell their age, they even ask you to guess how old they are. They care so much about age because they have different ways to speak to older/younger/same age people. With older people, you use the most polite way, and the not as polite way to same age/ younger people. I'm kinda glad that I'm a foreinger cuz it's not that big of a deal if I screw up since my friends know that I'm not a Korean. Elderly people are highly respected, no one ever sits in the "reserved for old people seats" on buses and subways even when there is no old people around.
I went to JimJilBang and Karaoke and I went to Everland. I go shopping a lot. Warning for girls: girls who are coming to Korea that they need to bring their best clothes and high heels, or tell them not to bring any clothes with them and buy new ones here. Korean girls dress really nicely. Clothes that American girls go clubbing with (NOT the "hi, look at my boobs" ones) are they clothes Korean girls wear to school. I think girls here wake up 5 hours before class to put on their make up and do their hair.
Korea's fun BUT I have to complain about the YISS program.
The professors they hired for the summer program kind of sucks a lot. I won't complain about that cuz there are bad professors in every uni. BUT seriously, can't you spend a little more money to invite better professors? The average for my Macroecon midterm was 54% (without a curve), which means the majority of the class failed the midterm. If it a few people failed, then it's the students' problem; if most of the students' failed, it's the professor's problem! I've never taken a more boring class than my Macroecon class right now. It's sad that I have to deal with a crappy professor in the summer.
International House is really old and the bathroom stinks and the showers flood and the A/C blows out smelly air. And there are so many bugs in the room! Construction right beside I-House starts from 7am every single day, including Sunday! They said that they'll try to reduce the noise. Reduce 他的頭! They were drilling the floor this one day and my bed started shaking, it was 7am on a weekend! WTF?! On the website, it says that there will be 5 extra curricular activities on Friday that we can choose from, we ended up only having 2 extra curricular activities (Hip Hop and Taekwondo). What the heck?! I wanted to take Bojagi Making. And about the field trips: since they're not having a lot of extra curricular, shouldn't they let more students join the field trips instead of just having 90 seats/ field trip?! How many people are in the YISS program? Like at least 300? 90 seats isn't even enough for 1/2 of the students here! Grrrrr......
I wish there's no final exam and I'm not taking 3 classes, so I can enjoy Korea more.
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