
Wednesday, March 8, 2006

this girl in my english class is so annoying. she thinks she is
smart and mature and bla bla bla but she isn't. stupid freshman!!!!
yesterday we were doing a project and needed to research
about the relationship between parents and children in the
1500s. and another group member and i were trying reli hard
but just couldn't find anything. then she got mad and said how
is it possible that we didn't find anything, she already got 9 resources.
ya, like it's not that we weren't trying!!! today we had to share the stuffs
we found and i finally understood y she found soo many stuffs.
because they were all unrelated to the topic. what is the average size of
the family have to do w/ the relationship? (ok, maybe u can say that
they had many kids so they can't pay as much attention to each one
of them) what i found were a lot more related (directly)
eg) "children were subservient to parents" "extremely respectful
toward her parents" "
Parents, and fathers in particular, were
entirely in charge of their children. There was generally no room
for debate, especially for daughters."


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