
Friday, May 29, 2009

We love
We care
We believe
i don't remember how many hugs i got and how many i gave this past week
how much love i received
how much work god has done
are you ready to receive big hugs?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No U Turn

Email from housing:
Hello Yinting

I have received your request to move to a different residence hall. Congratulations! You are now living in Global Crossroads in PAR!
Also, please be aware that once a student submits a request and has been moved, that student cannot submit an additional request to be moved. Students will be moved only one time prior to classes starting. No exceptions. Therefore, you will not be moved again because your request to move has been accommodated.

I hope that you enjoy your summer. We look forward to seeing you in the Fall!

Housing Information Office
100 Clark Hall; 1203 S. 4th Street; Champaign, IL 61820
To be honest, I'm actually really scared right now. I have no idea what PAR's gonna be like. It's far and it's not Allen. There aren't gonna be people in the front porch doing whatever, carrying guitars around, singing in random places, painting or making pottery. I think I'm gonna cry now :'( Allen Hall, I miss you already.
PAR is going to be a new experience. Hi PAR and international students, Yinting is coming. Be ready :P
If you lead me Lord I will follow
Where you lead me Lord I will go
Come and lead me Lord I will follow
Where you lead me Lord I will go
I will go

Sunday, May 24, 2009

You are going into the trash can

Worldly success

Thank you

Thank you for Phillis's message about broken relationships and thank you Andy for teaching Mark 1 that taught me about the Kingdom of God. I have a broken relationship with IV. I was actually leaving IV and didn't want to have anything to do with it for the rest of my college life after CFW. CFW was going to be the last IV thing I do. I told people that I need a break from IV because IV was hurting me. I lied. I wanted to escape because I didn't know how to deal with IV anymore. I didn't want to let God grow me through the problems I faced. I was angry and bitter towards IV. I wanted to escape. This week has made me realized that my eyes weren't set on God. Even though there are problems in IV, God is still working. Witnessing Chelsea coming to Christ has been a great testimony for me and encouraged me a lot. It showed me that God can work through anything and all I have to do is to humble myself and let God show his glory. God is good!


i'm so glad that i went
and i'm so glad that it's in timber wolf
that camp was pretty!
i met so many people from other areas
got to know all these cool people that i didnt know before
then realized that they graduated
and i wont see them again
what the heck?!
but im so glad that i met you before i'll never see you again

soph year

2 years gone, unblievable
I only have 2 years of college left

this year was unexpectedly harder than i thougt it would be
harder classes
more relationships to keep up with
more activities
more problems
less time

never thought i would learn so much this yr

Saturday, May 23, 2009

seek first His kingdom

My 2 years in IV has been absolutely amazing
amazing not because everything with IV went smoothly
and i didnt have a single problem with IV
not because I was always happy in IV
not because IV is perfect
but beause IV has challenged me to grow
some of you remember how loud I screamed
when I saw the IV booth on Quad Day my frosh year
IV was the greatest thing ever to me that year

then came my soph yr
things started to change
i saw problems
they started floating around
i got frustrated
i got angry
i started not going to large groups/small group and prayer meetings
i was constatnly looking for excuses to not go
by the end of the year, i said to myself
im not going to IV anymore

but Chapter Focus Week changed my mind
this is what i learned:
Don't dwell in all the tiny things that make you angry and bitter right now
seek his kingdom first
and put god first
if you do that
everything else will fall in the right place